I engaged in a little thought experiment this week. Assemble a list of 5 books that best signal your domains of interest. I usually dislike “top 5” type lists, and I’m going to stop recommending books to people. But I thought it would be fun to come up with a set of books that function as personal shibboleths.

For those who don’t know, “shibboleth” was a phrase that Jews used in the Bible to immediately identify themselves as being part of the group. Other people groups could not properly pronounce the word. So, the ability to properly say it meant you were a member of the tribe. It’s enticing to think that something as simple as the ability to pronounce a word could connect you with people who shared a common background and understanding.

It was a fun thought experiment. The books had to be chosen for a different set of factors than are usually considered in a “Top 5” list. They’re not my favorites (I like at least 2 Stephenson books better than the one I chose, same goes for works by C.S. Lewis). The books need to have some self-selecting/self-identifying attributes in either their subject matter or their proverbial audience. Their impact and their signaling factor carry more weight than their literary quality and personal preference.

Presented without further comment.

Brady’s Top 5 Personal Shibboleths (Books)

  • Cryptonomicon. Neal Stephenson.
  • The Goal. Eliyahu Goldratt.
  • Predictably Irrational. Dan Ariely.
  • Antifragile. Nassim Nicolas Taleb.
  • The Great Divorce. C.S. Lewis.

What’s yours?