I spend a lot of time reading, learning, listening to podcasts, and just trying to accumulate knowledge in general. But I haven’t really been focused on output for a long time. That’s not necessarily bad. Learning compounds. Cross-pollination of ideas and subjects. The journey is more important than the destination. Mental models and decision making.

That kind of thinking has led me to spend a good chunk of my time growing my own knowledge. One of my uber-goals at work has even been “investing in activities that accelerate my rate of learning.”

But at some point in the last few weeks, I become convicted that I was neglecting output. I’ve stagnated. I wasn’t building anything. I wasn’t creating. I wasn’t in the arena.

And that’s not a great place to be. It’s too easy to spin in circles when you’re not evaluating yourself on the output you create. It’s too easy to sit back and judge everyone else. There’s already a surplus of armchair quarterbacks in the world. And they all seem to be cutting the same sordid figure in history.

My new uber-goal: “Investing in activities that accelerate my rate of output”

Get in the Arena. It’s time to build.

Inspiration for this post: