1. Policies, Persons, and Paths to Ruin: Pondering the Implications of the 2020 Election – John Piper’s short post on the 2020 election and how he plans to vote. Agree wholeheartedly with his observations about what is being overrated/underrated by many Evangelical Christians in regards to politics. I’m of the opinion that a Christian’s witness to the world is better served by staying out of politics in most cases (a standard I admit I regularly fail to hold myself).
  2. Inaugural Address of John F. Kennedy – continuing the pattern of reading great speeches in history. You really get the sense that this speech was given at a pivot point in history. Where new technology was being ushered in, and we needed to be reminded of our own humanity in a framework for operating in a new world.
  3. The 30-Year Mortgage is an Intrinsically Toxic Product – I’ve only ever considered the mortgage vs. rent debate on a local level, whether it was a sound personal decision. This zooms way out and provides a good analysis on the mortgage product itself.
  4. The Mike Speiser Incubation Playbook – I had never heard of Mike Speiser before. His pattern for investing is relentless and almost single-minded focus on a small set of companies that he coaches, or in many cases runs himself. More people should properly prioritize and take a single-minded approach to problems.
  5. Dune – I confess, I bought this a long time ago, started it, and dropped it within the first few pages. There must have been more exciting books to read at the time and it just didn’t grab my attention immediately… I’m so glad I came back and finished it now. Really an excellent book. I understand the praise it receives now.