Was a remarkably fun conversation getting ChatGPT to write in the style of the Screwtape Letters. The elder demon, Screwtape, is writing letters to coach the younger Wormwood.

At one point it even added (without prompting) a closing of “your affectionate uncle”, even though I think none of the prior prompts included anything about a familial relationship between Screwtape and Wormwood.

It took some back and forth to get the prompting right. But eventually it was outputting some very consistent responses..

My dear Wormwood,

I must say that I am disappointed to hear of the Patient’s recent church attendance. However, I am not surprised. Our Enemy has a way of finding His way into even the most hardened hearts. But do not despair, for there are ways in which we can use this situation to our advantage.

Firstly, it is important to understand the nature of the Patient’s church attendance. Is he attending out of a genuine desire to seek the Enemy, or is he simply trying to please his friend? If it is the latter, then we can use this to our advantage by encouraging the Patient to attend with the wrong intentions. We can plant seeds of doubt and confusion in his mind, leading him to question the authenticity of his friend’s faith, and ultimately causing him to abandon his church attendance altogether.

If, on the other hand, the Patient is attending out of a genuine desire to seek the Enemy, then we must take a more subtle approach. We cannot risk causing him to question his faith, as that may ultimately lead him to conversion. Instead, we must encourage him to see his church attendance as a mere ritual, devoid of any real meaning or significance. We can do this by planting seeds of cynicism and skepticism in his mind, causing him to view his fellow churchgoers with suspicion and distrust.

It is also important to note that the Enemy’s presence is often strongest in times of crisis and suffering. We must be vigilant in ensuring that the Patient’s faith is not strengthened by any trials or tribulations that he may face. Encourage him to see suffering as proof that the Enemy does not exist, or that He is powerless to intervene in the affairs of men.

In short, do not be discouraged by the Patient’s recent church attendance. We can use this situation to our advantage, so long as we are careful in our approach. Keep me updated on his progress, and remember that your success in this matter is of utmost importance.

Your affectionate uncle,


My dear Wormwood,

I am deeply disappointed to hear that you allowed The Patient to have a conversation with a shopkeeper about gun violence while on vacation. You know well that exposure to the emotional impact of such tragedies can have a destabilizing effect on one’s beliefs, and that we should always aim to keep The Patient’s mind focused on his own immediate concerns rather than the broader issues of society.

However, we must also be opportunistic and make the best of the situation at hand. Use The Patient’s emotional reaction to the shopkeeper’s story to further erode his faith in humanity. Suggest that if society cannot even prevent such violence from occurring, then how can we expect it to solve any other problems? Encourage him to dwell on the hopelessness of the situation and the futility of any attempts to change it.

Furthermore, steer The Patient away from any discussions or actions related to gun control. If he brings it up, change the subject to something that will keep his mind occupied on his own individual desires and needs. Use his emotions to fuel his personal ambitions rather than channeling them into any sort of meaningful societal change.

Finally, consider planting seeds of doubt in The Patient’s mind about the shopkeeper’s story itself. Suggest that the shopkeeper may have exaggerated or even fabricated the details in order to manipulate The Patient’s emotions. By sowing seeds of mistrust, we can further undermine The Patient’s faith in humanity and the stories that shape our understanding of the world.

Remember, my dear Wormwood, that our goal is not only to destabilize but also to prevent any sort of meaningful action that could lead to positive change. Keep The Patient’s mind focused on his own individual desires and doubts, and steer him away from any sort of collective action or societal change.

Yours affectionately, Screwtape

Eventually, I was able to just provide life-event-like scenarios, and ScrewtapeGPT would output a response.

The Patient is to go back home to visit his mother who has fallen ill with cancer. Suggest ways for wormwood to use this trip to his advantage.

My dearest Wormwood,

I am pleased to hear that you have been making progress in your task of influencing the Patient. It is certainly concerning that he has been going to church, but as you rightly pointed out, it may be an opportunity for us to use his religious fervor to our advantage.

Now, onto the matter of the Patient’s upcoming trip to visit his ailing mother. This is an excellent opportunity for you to manipulate his emotions and thoughts in your favor. You can play on his fears and anxieties, causing him to doubt the effectiveness of medicine and modern science. Encourage him to consider alternative treatments, such as faith healing or other unproven remedies, that may only serve to worsen his mother’s condition.

Furthermore, try to isolate the Patient from his support system during this time. Convince him that he should focus solely on his mother and not be distracted by other obligations, such as his job or his social life. This will make him more vulnerable to our influence and less likely to be swayed by outside perspectives.

As for the incident with the shopkeeper in the city, I understand that it was a mistake on your part. However, do not despair. You can still use this experience to our advantage. Encourage the Patient to view the shopkeeper’s story as an anomaly, a rare occurrence that should not dictate public policy. Highlight statistics and studies that downplay the severity of gun violence, and emphasize the importance of individual rights over the safety of the community.

Remember, Wormwood, we must always be vigilant in our efforts to undermine the Patient’s faith in humanity and to promote chaos and confusion. I trust that you will continue to employ all the tools at your disposal to ensure that our mission is accomplished.

Yours in service,


My dearest Wormwood,

I am saddened to hear of the passing of The Patient’s mother. This is an opportunity for you to intensify your efforts to sway him away from the forces of good. However, you must be cautious, as this is also a time when The Patient may be more receptive to positive influences.

Be wary of any individuals who seek to console The Patient with messages of hope, forgiveness, and the power of love. These are the weapons of the Enemy and can quickly turn The Patient against us. Instead, focus on highlighting the anger, pain, and confusion that he may feel in the wake of his loss.

You can use this time to convince The Patient that the world is cruel and unjust, and that he should not put his faith in a higher power that would allow such suffering. Emphasize the pointlessness of life and the inevitability of death. Encourage him to give in to his anger and despair, and to seek solace in material possessions or fleeting pleasures.

Another tactic you could use is to isolate The Patient from his support system. Suggest that he cut himself off from his friends and family, as they cannot possibly understand the depth of his pain. This will make him more vulnerable to your influence and will also create a sense of loneliness and hopelessness that we can exploit.

Above all, remain vigilant and alert to the movements of the Enemy. They will be watching The Patient closely during this time and will be ready to pounce on any signs of weakness or vulnerability. Encourage The Patient to distance himself from any positive influences in his life, including his church and his loved ones.

Remember, Wormwood, that this is a critical moment in our campaign. The Patient’s faith is at an inflection point, and we must do everything in our power to sway him away from the forces of good. I trust in your abilities to execute this mission with the utmost cunning and skill.

Yours in darkness, Screwtape